Starting Up Remote, Moonlighting to Scale and 10 Yrs of Inverting the SaaS Curve
Santosh Panda failed twice before starting up with Explara. He started up Explara remotely from London in moonlight mode and bootstrapped it with his earnings till it was sustainable. A DIY event management platform, Explara is for professional events that has inverted the SaaS revenue curve by being India First and World Next. With a down to earth attitude and unconventional hiring style, Santosh has built Explara quietly into successful at scale business. Listen to Santosh On starting up remote and 10 years of inverting the SaaS curve.
Santosh has a very earthy charming way of saying things.
Here are some interesting quotes from the interview
16:02 Because it’s not about just revenue, your customer care, your revenue, how do you worry about how to retain people how to walk with people, your frustrations on finding your satisfaction on customers, if there’s so many factors which make works, then you succeed
09:41 Because in startups, you don’t make money in the initial couple of years. So that’s alarming. I think, as part of understanding how that’s useful for any startups to find a co founder is that you need to be clear on understanding of how you want to address the market, how you go after the market, how long is the pain point is going to be and what we are not going to do also very important because a lot of people assume that I’ll join and then I’m going to send the course that doesn’t happen.
20:43 So your scale is to be calculated based upon the market that you operate plus, which are the other markets that you can go either might be local players and global players and all that we we will take that into account too.

Inspite of running Explara for over 10 years, Santosh brings the same passion. He has built with the same unconventional attitude that we have seen in the Movie Money Ball.
On Our Previous Episode Arun Talked About Creativity At Scale. Be Sure to Check It Out!
Show Notes
Here’s what the Word Cloud looks like for this episode.

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