The story of Meeting Bill Gates, Missing the SmartPhone Wave and Scaling to 50 Million […]
Posted 5 years ago Tagged amit bootstrapping business doctor entrepreneurs entrepreneurship healthcare india indian indianstartup insta maharajasofscale medicine munjal podcast tele unicorns
Amit Munjal was an investment banker and a management consultant. A chance brush with Tele Medicine while vacationing in Hawaii got him thinking about how he could bring access to medicine and quality healthcare to the masses in India. American Laws prevent Doctors from practicing across states but Indian laws have no such restrictions. This and a lot of others was what Amit discovered while he launched Doctor Insta in India. The journey for him has been fascinating and frustrating. This is his story.
Posted 5 years ago Tagged bootstrapped bootstrapping business entrepreneurs entrepreneurship explara india indian maharajas maharajasofscale of podcast saas santosh santoshpanda scale
Santosh Panda failed twice before starting up with Explara. He started up Explara remotely from London in moonlight mode and bootstrapped it with his earnings till it was sustainable. Explara is a DIY event management platform for professional events that has inverted the SaaS revenue curve by being India First and World Next. With a down to earth attitude and unconventional hiring style, Santosh has built Explara quietly into successful at scale business.
Posted 5 years ago Tagged bootstrapped bootstrapping business entrepreneurs entrepreneurship explara india indian maharajas maharajasofscale of podcast saas santosh santoshpanda scale
For long, almost everyone has said that it was hard to build big businesses and companies out of India serving the Indian consumer. The Indian market was too complex or the Indian consumer was not a spendthrift and the number of Indian consumers was low. Our Roger Bannisters and bees did not care or know. They went on to build and scale big.